Kinver Darts League Rules
Teams shall consist of seven singles and three pairs, all players to be registered. Singles will be 301, double start, pairs will be 501 straight start. All games to finish on a double. Bull to count double 25. Best of ten games. Away team to bull first in each game. Players may play in both or either of the Singles and Pairs. Once players are called to the board they will only have 9 darts practice throws ( 3 sets).
The dartboard must be 5ft 8ins from the floor to the centre of the bull. There must be a raised oche with a throw in length of 7ft 9.25ins. Where the floor / wall are not perfectly 90 Degrees, the key dimension is the hypotenuse of 9 ft 7 3/8 ins where the height and length to be agreed to make best as possible. Three darts to constitute a throw. All darts in the dartboard to count. New throws to be verified by two committee members prior to the league starting, using our standard equipment.
Matches to be played on a Wednesday. Dartboards are to be opened at 8.00pm. Games will commence at 8.30pm by which time 4 players from each team, who must be present at the venue where the match is being played, are entered on the score sheet, home side first. The sheet to be folded. All teams to be completed by 9.00pm. Players must be present at this time at the venue where the match is being played. If team (s) are short of players, all available players must be entered in order and any end (s) must be forfeited at the end of the match. i.e. 7th end 6th end 5th end. If teams are short of players at 8.30pm the forfeited end (s) must be 4th end 3rd end etc. Method of scoring two points for a win. In the event of a draw, one point to be awarded to each team.
Captains to appoint a caller out / scorer, the caller out shall shout the score only after three darts are thrown, which must be checked and marked on a visible score board. The above officials must watch players who must not be nearer than 7ft 9.25ins. Anyone over stepping the oche line “Foul” is called and the dart throw is lost.
All players for league matches and all competitions must sign a registration form and be registered three days before playing. Registration fee of £2.00 per player. No player to be signed after (three days before) the commencement of the second half of league matches, with the exception of Landlords / Landladies who can sign throughout the season but must still sign 3 days before they play. Any player who signs for more than one team, will be registered with the team they first play for. A player who signs for a team, which subsequently withdraws from the league, may apply to the committee for a transfer to another team.
Any club playing an unregistered player or players registered with another club, to be fined £5 and lose the match 10-0.
Entrance fee for each team shall be £5 and £10 guarantee money that teams shall complete all fixtures, failing to do so £10 forfeited to league funds. All above fees to be paid at the Annual General Meeting. Entry fee for the individuals and pairs knockout competitions will be £2 per player and will be collected at a league meeting.
Each team must contribute £5 for each league match. League fees can either be paid in full at September league meeting or in 3 monthly instalments (Sept, Oct and Nov meetings).
Home clubs will be responsible for sending result sheet to the fixtures secretary no later than 10.30pm on the Sunday following the match. Any club failing to do so will be fined £5. A fine of £2 for both captains if a match sheet is illegible or incorrectly filled in.
Any club protesting, must deposit £10 protest fee, which will be returned if the protest is valid. Offending clubs may be fined. Protests to be lodged within 7 days.
Any objection to the dartboard must be lodged immediately after the first game, otherwise void and match played to the finish.
Teams who do not send a signed delegate to a committee meeting will be fined £20. This fine will be doubled if subsequent consecutive meetings are not attended. Offending clubs may appeal this in exceptional circumstances. Meetings will be held on the first Thursday in every month (January no meeting) unless otherwise arranged. Meetings to begin at 7.00pm with a 7.10pm deadline.
Cups and trophies awarded in the Kinver Darts League must not be taken away from the Club or Public House from which the winning team plays and must be returned to the league in good clean condition at the end of the season. If trophies are returned in unclean condition, a fine of £20 will be issued. Teams not entering the league the following season must return trophies to the league before the league start date. Any trophy lost or damaged must be repaired / replaced by the winning team.
Representatives from each individual team must register all teams at the AGM, and attend committee meetings i.e. “A” & “B” teams must have independent representatives.
Individuals, Pairs and Ladies competitions will have an 8.30pm start, which will also be the deadline time unless otherwise agreed and arranged. Games to be the best of 3, 301 double start (Pairs 501 straight start) and double finish. Bull up for first leg only, with alternate players throwing first in other legs.
At the start of the second half of the season the bottom teams at the halfway stage will compete in the shadow league as well as the main league.
Any team failing to turn up for a match without a good reason will be fined £20 and have 2 points deducted. £15 of the fine will be paid to the home venue to reimburse hospitality costs. The committee have the power to waive this if they believe the reason for not turning up is justified.
In the event of the scores in a cup match being level after all legs have been played due to both teams not having enough players to complete the match, a single leg of 301 singles, double in, double out between a nominated player from each team to be played to decide the winner.
One player may be substituted from the original entry to anther player who was has not been entered into the competition in the first round of the pairs competition only. Once substituted the new pairing must play together throughout the competition. All players must play at the venue as drawn.
If a team still owes money to the league at the end of the season, all signed players will be banned for 1 year. (End of season will be deemed as presentation night which will be last date to pay any outstanding balance). Players may apply to the committee to have their ban lifted, but this will be considered on an individual basis and the decision of the committee is final.
The committee has the power to deal with any matter not covered by the rules. The committee’s decision will be final.
Entry fee £10.00 per team.
Best of 4 pairs. Each pair best of 3 games. 501 straight start, double finish.
First 2 pairs to be entered on a folded score sheet.
On neutral boards (semi-finals and final), alternate throws for bull to be observed otherwise away team to bull first as per league rules.
Bull up for first leg only, with alternate teams throwing first in other legs.
If scores are level after 4 pairs, an additional pair will be played to decide the winner. This pair must not have played together in the match.
All other matters as per league rules.
Entry fee £10.00 per team.
Best of 7 games singles, each best of 3 legs, 301 double start, double finish.
All player names (minimum of 7 per team) to be randomly drawn at 8.30pm and entered on the score sheet.
Players must be present when their name is called or 9.00pm whichever is the earliest, otherwise game is forfeited.
On neutral boards (semi-finals and final), alternate throws for bull to be observed otherwise away team to bull first as per league rules.
Bull up for first leg only, with alternate teams throwing first in other legs.
All other matters as per league rules.
Entry fee £10.00 per team.
Best of 7 singles and 2 pairs. One game 501 straight start, double finish.
First 4 names to be entered on a folded score sheet.
On neutral boards (semi-finals and final), alternate throws for bull to be observed otherwise away team to bull first as per league rules.
All other matters as per league rules.
Entry fee £10.00 per team.
This will be played on a league basis with games being played at each league match. 301 Double start, Double finish.
Only team captains as registered with the league are permitted to play. No substitutes are allowed. Should one of the team captains not be available, the win will automatically go to the captain that is present. If neither captain is present the game shall be void.
All other matters as per league rules.